Leverage 8+ cloud providers and more than 200 data centers.
Create your own Cloud exploiting our hypervisor. Without lock-ins. Without limits.
We unify all Clouds into our disruptive universal Cloud platform to let you follow the best prices, get the best features andbe able to move between public and private Clouds
Our unrivalled support for private Clouds makes your Journey incredibly optimised. Start migrating your applications from private servers to an Elemento private Cloud. Thanks to our unified Cloud technology you'll be able to move tasks to public Clouds if and when needed.
Manage everything you need in one place
The best Linux-based hypervisor out there
Map existing CSP-specific APIs into Elemento's ones.
Got confused or the only thing you see on the screen is a tiny pixellated t-rex happly jumping? No worries, we got you covered.
Elemento's Cloud technology is so versatile it can be employed for many different applications. Our customers are businesses spanning from heavy industry to marketing companies, from public administration to manufacturing sector.
We even have a special startup program ideal for Cloud-native businesses.
One PDF to rule them all